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About Us


Our Team

Our History

Our History

Our amazing team of creative professional volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!


Our History

Our History

Our History

We found a need for nonprofits that don't have budgets for the content development that they need to be successful.  We formed The Next Chapter Foundation to tell their stories and make a real difference in our world.


Our Mission

Our History

Our Mission

Our mission is to make a real difference that spans issues, communities, hearts, and minds. Our story will be defined by every story we tell.

Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation

It's always a privilege to support an organization that helps families when they're going though unimaginable circumstances.  We love OHHF!

Food Outreach St. Louis

Even in the midst of a crisis, Food Outreach is there for their clients.  And we are here to tell their story.

St. Patrick Center

From your home, help people with no home!

The Rose Fogarty Tribute

The Next Chapter Foundation presents The Rose Fogarty Tribute. This video helped raise more than $130,000 for an incredible woman recently diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia.